The rise of Babylonia In it’s over two thousand year history it is cited as ranging from a small town to a flourishing metropolis at the center of an empire or, as rubble. At one point in history it is mentioned as a mere blip by being known as a quarry. Pretty much, people would go there to collect rocks from the rubble to build there own abodes only knowing its name and nothing of its former glory. Babylonia’s first rise to glory was under king Hammurabi who instituted the first set of laws historically. This first incarnation of the Babylonian empire was short lived and declined under the rule of his son. Afterward there was a seemingly endless string of conflicts for control of the city as it was passed back and forth through the hands of different rulers and ruling tribes. some being nomadic, some being parts of larger kingdoms till it came under rule of the Assyrian empire as a province. In a period of decline for the Assyrian empire, around 626 BC, Nabopol...